Google Spreadsheets is a fully integrated program that brings date and information alive for Education. Math is primary focus, but other subject will use it too,such as history, science.According to CCSS for Mathematical Practice 3:"Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others." With spreadsheets which are meant for mastering date and information, students are able to work with data to convey the information and findings to persuade others of their points of view.
Besides, CCSS requires students to develop critical thinking with math. They are meant to capture the "processes and proficiency" of math in order to be ready for college and career that involves data analysis and decision making.Google Spreadsheets allow students to collect unorganized data in cells and manipulate it by making charts and graphs that students can use to present their findings with evidence. It helps students explore mathematical concepts and models, share, manipulate and present data.
Common Core State Standard emphasizes collaborative work. Google Spreadsheets allow people to go over revision history. Each time an entry is made into s spreadsheet, it is saved along with time and a note on what was revised. Therefore, in a group project, students can go back to see a previous version of the data to find and correct the errors made from other students.Revision history is so important to make sure that the project's accuracy when handled through so many students. Another powerful function that Google Spreadsheets has is that spreadsheets can be emailed and downloaded so easily through different kinds of formats such as CVS, HTML, TXT, Excel, OpenOffice and PDF. Thus, students can share data with others without worrying another student who doesn't have the same format.
The conditional formatting function assists students with their self-study. In the spreadsheets, the conditional formatting will be set ahead of time for the correct answers by teachers. If the cell matches exactly as the predetermined formatting, the cell will turn a particular color, indicating the answer is correct, otherwise wrong. The notification function is impressing too. Notification setting enables the user to be alerted when changes are made to the spreadsheet sot that it keeps everyone informed when students work together with a project. To protect the spreadsheets, the user can also make the setting to determine who can edit the data.
Seeing all that Google Spreadsheets can do, undoubtedly they are supreme to any traditional office software such as Microsoft Excel.Moreover, Google Spreadsheets can share and collaborate on data projects from within the room or around the world. CCSS commands students to use appropriate tools to think mathematically and study collaboratively.Students are able to fulfill those standards when using spreadsheets to collect, analyze, and report findings with data. They will become better decision makers and learners.